The City that Never (doesn't) Drink

Day 10. Wow. I made it. Thank you everyone for your continues support. I hope that by me admitting the issues I had with alcoholism and how it is NOT a copping mechanism, just one person will be helped.

Today is Friday, prime Happy Hour Time in New York City. The city has been, well, let just say if I was in North Carolina life would be completely different. The City is a BEAST. It will swallow you alive if you let it. What goes hand in hand with the city, the answer isn't Broadway, it's Booze. Being in Sales doesn't make it any easier either.

Monday- If it's football season- "Let's go to the bar! Watch the game!"
Tuesday- "Man rough start to the week, grab a drink?"
Wednesday- A usual off night for most city dwellers, but a great date night. "Want to grab drinks tonight and get to know each other?"
Thursday- "It's basically Friday- Let's get hammered!"
Friday- "What a week- couple of us are going to the bar, come with?"
Saturday- In the summer it's day drinking, in the winter- you're stuck inside with the crap weather and then one of your friends suggest- "it's Saturday! Lets drink and go out at night"
Sunday- For 80% of New York, it's a boozy brunch. During Football season for me "Grab a case of Bud and come over!"

You can not escape it. If you live in New York, trying not to drink and still have a social life is quite an uphill battle.

So far I have done well avoiding this, but I can see how this will become tough. I go to the gym every day after work, this has been a HUGE help in distracting me and also, I do feel physically better already. Not drinking doesn't mean you don't have to go to a bar. I have been lucky enough to have one friend (roommate) who knows I quit drinking, and he has helped me out.

Being in Sales, this is the biggest obstacle. It was a good week for myself & my Team. Everyone was loud, having fun, joking at the end of the day. Then we ended, and everyone went to the bar. This was the struggle of the day. The "high" of the week was setting in and I did want to celebrate. My team can put back quite a few Hot Pots of Coffee if you catch my drift, it is never 1 or 2 beers.

Ended up thanking them and saying I had to go home and I had plans with a friend who was in town. This is a concern I have, and any advice will help. The crossroad is coming, I will have to stop being as close with a good chunk of my coworkers. They simply drink too much. Every now and then hanging with them will be okay. But when you combine stressed weathered sales reps, with New York City- That is a recipe for the demon inside to wake up. Hopefully they will be understanding, and hopefully the bright lights of New York City don't trick me into hiding in the darkness that is alcohol.

It's No Longer Miller Time

-Jordan Miller


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